It all began with Cotton Candy Puff

I guess with Gramma’s passing and Mochi’s getting older, I neglected to mention that I was pregnant! And in labor!

This being the second baby, Cornicus and I were a little bit more prepared. I got into the car while Cornicus made a call to a babysitter for Mochi. Though he complained about not needing one, Cornicus and I decided it was necessary. He could enjoy all the home alone time he wanted after he turned 13.

Peach Puff was born after 2 hours in labor. Because she was born a month early, the hospital insisted that Peach and I stay for at least another day.

They wouldn’t let me hold Peach because both she and I were weak, but I watched her sleep almost all night. I couldn’t help it. She just looked so small and innocent compared to Mochi and pictures I had seen of my family as babies.

But one must fall asleep eventually with nothing to do in a hospital room. I guess Peach felt the same way.

“Alright, Champ. I’ll make you a deal. You can sleep in the big bed tonight if you come with me to see Mommy and Peach in the morning. Sound like a plan?”

“Sounds like a plan, Dad! I mean, dude!”

Mochi smiled a cheesy smile while trying to act “grown up”, but he couldn’t pull it off for long as he wrapped his father in a big bear hug.

“Hey little sister. You’re really pretty. I like your eyes. Someday, you and me are gonna be best friends! I promise!”



“Yes, Mochi?”

“Why won’t Peach talk to me? I tried to be really nice, but she just sits there!”

“Oh sweetie, Peach doesn’t know how to talk!”


“Peach is just a baby. She doesn’t know any words.”


It scared me a little that my son didn’t know that newborns can’t talk, but I was sure he would be fine. I hope…

After being in the hospital for what felt like far too long,  the doctor finally dismissed our quickly growing Peach and I into the world. We would have to come back for continuous checkups, though because Peach would probably be a little fragile for quite a while. Cornicus and I were quite worried about her, but we figured that if we watched her closely, kept her protected, and kept up visits with the doctor, she would be alright.

Once we got home, Mochi decided that he had taken quite a liking to his new little sister. Both of their favorite game was playing peek-a-boo in the hallway. It was so adorable!


“Yes sweetie?” Mochi had come out onto the porch as I was playing guitar.

“Some new people moved in across the street and they have a kid my age. Can she come over to play?” My son…quite the social butterfly. The social butterfly who knew exactly when his mommy was happiest and that he could get almost anything when I was holding my guitar.

“Of course, Moch. Have fun!”

“YAY! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” Mochi clung to my torso as he was jumping up and down.

“Are you going to go?”

“Yeah! Bye, Mommy!”

And that was the night that Mochi and Minty Choco Chip became best friends. I knew that I’d be seeing a lot of her, and though I’d never admit it to Mochi, I thought that they would make quite a cute couple!

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