It all began with Cotton Candy Puff

Ah, my girls. Though they may be triplets, they are absolutely nothing alike, I swear. Rosie was into inventing, Tulip loved chemistry, and Cherryblossom spent all time possible downstairs in the pool.

All was well with their hobbies, until the night when Tulip created a chemical explosion. At first, she figured all that she needed to do was take a shower, but that was far from the problem.

“Tulip! What did you do?” Because the inventing and chemistry tables were so close together, the chemical explosion had, indeed, caught Rosie on fire.

We tried our hardest to get her into water as fast as we could, but we didn’t do it on time.

Yes, Rosie did pass that night. We tried our hardest to cope, but something about one of my youngest daughter’s passing put the whole family in a near trance. No one could speak, no one could move. Peach was the first to break into tears, and after that, the rest of us weren’t far behind. Mochi was the only one able to keep calm, though none of us understood how. I had a feeling it was because he didn’t want to break down in front of his little sisters, but he could’ve had other reasons.

When Mochi volunteered to take his sister to the cemetery and have things sorted out, none of us argued.

While Mochi was there, he had talked to the woman in charge of the mausoleum and had a “Puff Platform” built for our family. It was only the color of our first few generations, but we agreed to leave it like that.

Exactly one week after Rosie’s death, the platform in the graveyard was completed. Mochi went by to pay his respects, but the rest of us weren’t quite ready to go.

Here’s the finished product complete with Shoreline, Grape, and Rosie. May they RIP.

Ah, yes. Mochi eventually did crack. Part of me wishes he had opened up at home, but I’m overall pretty happy that he didn’t at home. The house is already a mess, I didn’t want it to get any worse. Personally, I’m glad he was able to talk to Minty about it and that she was so comforting.

Oh…um…*clears throat*

Much better, thank you.



“I have to tell you something.”


“Minty, I love you.”

“Oh Mochi! I love you too!” Awww!



~Peach’s POV~

Yup. I’m a child now. Pretty cool, huh? Sure, I don’t really get to make my own decisions, but that’s fine. Because I was born so early, I’ve always been a little…delicate. Mom and Dad worry about me a lot, and usually decide my life for me. At first, I liked it, but now it’s getting kind of old.

So, that’s my room. Pretty cool, huh? I’ve got my bed, a couch, a TV, a bowl of Peaches (hee hee) and my emergency medical supplies. Not to mention, my easel which I CAN’T live without. I’m not allowed to do any sports, so I spend most of my day in my room watching TV or painting (usually both at the same time).

I also spend a lot of time with my big brother, but lately he’s been busy with his best friend. They go everywhere together. The beach, the park, the animal shelter. One time, they went to an art museum and took me along with them! It was so cool!

“Hey, pipsqueak!” Mochi shouted as he burst through my bedroom door.

“Mochi!” I ran over to him and gave him a big bear hug. “How was the beach with Minty?”

“Oh, umm…let’s just say the two of us have a lot of catching up to do,” Mochi said while looking down at his feet.

“What? What happened? Tell me everything!!” I began jumping up and down in excitement. Mochi likes really likes Minty, but he doesn’t have the nerve to tell her. Every time he gets home from an “outing” he tells me aaaaall about it and I help him analyze the situation.

“So, we were at the beach,”


“And I complimented her hair,”

“Ooh! good move!”

“And I took her hands,”

“Uh huh?”

“And I leaned in,”

“It’s getting interesting!”

“And,” Mochi began to look around the room. Suddenly, his face began to twist into all kinds of weird shapes. He looked like Dad after he ate that rotten salad. “I kissed her!” Mochi screamed and began running around the room and jumping.

“Mochi!” I wrapped him up in another bear hug. “That’s so cute!”

“Mochi! Peach! Dinner!” Mom called from upstairs.

“Well, I guess that’s our cue. Don’t tell Mom anything. I wanna tell her,” *sigh* That’s my brother. Sometimes I feel like he’s actually my little brother, he’s just so childish.

“And that’s how mama porcupines give birth to their babies without killing themselves. The end!”


“Yes, Peach?”

“What’s it like to kiss someone?”

“You’ll just have to wait and find out, now won’t you?”



“Good night!”

“Good night, Peach. I love you.”

“Love you too.”

~Melody’s POV~

Oh gosh, umm..I don’t know how I neglected to mention this, but I had triplets!

This is Rosie


And CherryBlossom! Welcome to the family! *Sheepish grin*

Boy, oh boy. If there’s one thing this family likes to do, it’s swim! Every Friday night, when the kids get home from school and Cornicus and I get home from work, we all put on our bathing suits and jump in. “Hey guys! Hows the water?”

“Good!” shrieked a chorus of voices

“…Wouldn’t know,”

“Peach. You know you’re not allowed to go swimming for a good reason. Now why don’t you brighten up? It’s family fun night!”

“That’s it, Mom! I’ve had it! You always say that swimming is our family fun night, but how can it be a family fun night if your oldest daughter is miserable?!? You chain me down! I’m confined to my room nearly all day! I can’t take PE, I can’t swim, I can’t go to the beach or the park or play with dogs or cats because you think it’s too dangerous! Did you even bother to remember that today is my birthday? I didn’t think so! I’ll tell you one thing, as a teenager, I’m not letting you control my life!”

“Peach! You will not talk to your mother that way! Peach come back here! Peach? Peach? Happy birthday…”

“Hello Melody. Hello Cornicus. Hey, Moch! Hey little sisses! Hows it going?”

“Peach, I’m so sorry. I just…I just wanted you to be safe,” I approached Peach and tried to hug her, but she resisted.

“I know. And I am safe. Now, if you’ll excuse me, the water looks great!”

“Peach! NO!” Peach did a cannon ball into the water and floated up with a big grin.

“Come on in Mom the water is fine!”

I guess with Gramma’s passing and Mochi’s getting older, I neglected to mention that I was pregnant! And in labor!

This being the second baby, Cornicus and I were a little bit more prepared. I got into the car while Cornicus made a call to a babysitter for Mochi. Though he complained about not needing one, Cornicus and I decided it was necessary. He could enjoy all the home alone time he wanted after he turned 13.

Peach Puff was born after 2 hours in labor. Because she was born a month early, the hospital insisted that Peach and I stay for at least another day.

They wouldn’t let me hold Peach because both she and I were weak, but I watched her sleep almost all night. I couldn’t help it. She just looked so small and innocent compared to Mochi and pictures I had seen of my family as babies.

But one must fall asleep eventually with nothing to do in a hospital room. I guess Peach felt the same way.

“Alright, Champ. I’ll make you a deal. You can sleep in the big bed tonight if you come with me to see Mommy and Peach in the morning. Sound like a plan?”

“Sounds like a plan, Dad! I mean, dude!”

Mochi smiled a cheesy smile while trying to act “grown up”, but he couldn’t pull it off for long as he wrapped his father in a big bear hug.

“Hey little sister. You’re really pretty. I like your eyes. Someday, you and me are gonna be best friends! I promise!”



“Yes, Mochi?”

“Why won’t Peach talk to me? I tried to be really nice, but she just sits there!”

“Oh sweetie, Peach doesn’t know how to talk!”


“Peach is just a baby. She doesn’t know any words.”


It scared me a little that my son didn’t know that newborns can’t talk, but I was sure he would be fine. I hope…

After being in the hospital for what felt like far too long,  the doctor finally dismissed our quickly growing Peach and I into the world. We would have to come back for continuous checkups, though because Peach would probably be a little fragile for quite a while. Cornicus and I were quite worried about her, but we figured that if we watched her closely, kept her protected, and kept up visits with the doctor, she would be alright.

Once we got home, Mochi decided that he had taken quite a liking to his new little sister. Both of their favorite game was playing peek-a-boo in the hallway. It was so adorable!


“Yes sweetie?” Mochi had come out onto the porch as I was playing guitar.

“Some new people moved in across the street and they have a kid my age. Can she come over to play?” My son…quite the social butterfly. The social butterfly who knew exactly when his mommy was happiest and that he could get almost anything when I was holding my guitar.

“Of course, Moch. Have fun!”

“YAY! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” Mochi clung to my torso as he was jumping up and down.

“Are you going to go?”

“Yeah! Bye, Mommy!”

And that was the night that Mochi and Minty Choco Chip became best friends. I knew that I’d be seeing a lot of her, and though I’d never admit it to Mochi, I thought that they would make quite a cute couple!

“Cornicus Cob, will you marry me?”

“Of course, Melody!”

I know, I know, weird way to start a generation, but it caught your attention didn’t it? Well, there I am, on my 21st birthday, proposing to my high school boyfriend. And him saying yes!

“It will be a big wedding. You’ll look gorgeous, and I’ll be in a tux, and there will be fireworks, and we can have it in the park!” Cornicus was going on and on. He was so excited!

So on the day of, I got my hair and makeup done, and bought the best dress in the store! (Well, actually, mom got it heehee)

The best part is, I wasn’t nervous at all!

There were even fireworks like Cornicus said. Mom searched up and down to find some safe and inexpensive ones!

In honor of our wedding, mom and dad let us use the double bed in their room instead of trying to squeeze into the top bunk in my room haha! The next day was moving day, and Cornicus and I had decided to let my big sis, Blue Crimson design our house.

The bottom floor. It’s not entirely colorful because the kids will be living down here and I don’t want to design their rooms before they’re born!

This is the highest underground floor. Blue Crimson even gave us an underground, indoor pool! Sweet!

Here’s Cornicus’ office. It’s missing the computer because he wanted to bring in his from home. She said she didn’t know why that random British flag was there, but she was going to have it taken care of.

Here you see the kitchen, living room, fitness room, bathroom, outside, and a little bit of wasted space. Crimson’s plans got a little jumbled, equaling a larger house than she had planned.

One floor up is the nursery (again, I didn’t want to design it until some actual kids were born, but Cornicus and I just couldn’t seem to have a baby), the laundry room, master bedroom, and reading space.

Here, we didn’t really have anything other than another bathroom. Crimson’s plan jumbling also amounted to an extra floor.

And then there’s this floor. Crimson said she had no idea what this was, but maybe we’d get lucky with this bed. Of course, I didn’t appreciate the joke, but it sounded just crazy enough to work…

And oddly enough, it did!

Shortly after I announced my pregnancy, Blue Crimson and her “team” came in and got rid of the British Flag, and replaced it with “Puff” in stone.

Because of my pregnancy, I had a lot of time to relax. Though I wasn’t allowed to garden (doctor’s orders), I did spend much of my time in a lounge chair reading gardening and cooking books.

It was a normal day. Cornicus was upstairs working on his “experiments.” To this day, I’m still not sure what he’s trying to do, but he gave up after it exploded on him.

So, he had to take me to the hospital while he was fully singed. The hospital thought he was the patient! HA!

And at 4:24 that morning, we brought our first son, Mochi Puff home.

Hi Mom! How’s everything at home? Good! Today? Gramma’s house? 2:00? I’ll be there! Love you too, Mommy. Bye-bye!

I walked through the door and was in awe. I had grown up in a large home, and was bringing up my family in an extremely large mansion, but THIS was where my mom had been brought up? I know, I know. I’ve never seen my grandparents’ house before. Shame on me. But they used to come over every Saturday, so it’s not like I’ve never met them…Oh! Now I’m rambling! Sorry! I’m new to this.

“Hi Auntie Strawberries and Cream!”

“Hey Melody! How’s everything?”

“Well, for starters, Cornicus and I have a wonderful baby son named Mochi.”

“That’s great!” My Auntie and I continued to make small talk until I realized that Mom wasn’t here.

“Hey, where’s Mom? She told me she’d be here.”

“Oh! Rosalie had to cancel last minute. Actually, all of my sisters had to cancel, so it’s just us, Shoreline, and Grape.”

“Okay! That works! Haha.” Strawberries and Cream and I talked for about twenty minutes when we heard a small yelp coming from the other room.




The room began to fill with cries for Shoreline as we watched her die. We weren’t even expecting it. She was walking inside from putting out the trash when she decided it was time. Strawberries and Cream and I were running around freaking out, but Grandpa Grape just stood still and watched.

“Grandpa?” I approached him when it was all over, but he didn’t say a word.

I was crying for a while, but Auntie and I realized that it would be best for Grandpa if we tried to stay strong. We could tell that this was really crushing him, so I decided to head home.

Once I arrived home, I just stayed in my garden for a while. I could go inside and tell Cornicus. Not yet anyways.

But when I did finally go inside and tell him, he was very supportive, and comforted me through the night.

The whole house was in mourning, so we forgot to celebrate poor Mochi’s birthday, but he was turning into quite a handsome young man.

Hey everyone! Just letting you know that I still exist! I haven’t really had much time for sims lately, but when I finally had the time, I read about this thing called the “100 baby challenge” and I wanted to give it a try. Now, I know what you might be thinking. “But that’ll take forever! What about the Puff family?” Not to worry! I’m not going to complete the challenge before going back to the Puffs. I’m just going to start my challenge. I will be taking pictures, but I’m not sure if I’m going to post the story (If I do, it may not be that exciting) but if you want me to post it, just leave a comment letting me know! I’m also gonna need a lot of guys to make this happen, so if you have any guys who you want to have in the story, also leave a comment letting me know where I can find them! Thanks!

Well, if you read the title, you know that this isn’t good. I was about to start writing chapter 1 of Rosalie when I started scrolling through my screenshots and I realized THERES NOTHING TO SCROLL THROUGH! Yup. I’m not sure how it happened, but every single one of my screenshots was deleted. I can give you a quick, non-detailed fill in of what happened, but it’s not gonna be as good as the real story. Okay, so when Rosalie graduated, she proposed to her boyfriend, Peppers Spice. They got married and had twins, Cherry (dad’s hair, mom’s skin and eyes) and Crimson (who I call Blue Crimson because she has her grandma’s hair, dad’s skin, and grandfather’s eyes). After the twins were born, they had triplets. Melody (who has her mom’s hair and eyes and her dad’s skin), Jelly Bean (Grandma’s hair, mom’s skin and eyes), and Tutti Frutti (Grape’s purple hair, dad’s skin, mom’s eyes). At this point in the game, Shoreline and Grape are elders, the twins are young adults, and the triplets are teens. I would just pick up where I left off in the game, but it just wouldn’t make sense to you, so unfortunately, I’m going to have to skip Rosalie’s generation all together, and start Melody’s a little earlier than planned. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience.

The only picture I have of Blue Crimson (YA)

The only picture I have of Cherry (YA)

Cherry proposing to Graham Cracker

The only good picture I have of Melody

Melody and her secret boyfriend, Cornicus Cob. She’s the most popular kid in school, and he’s the least popular, so that’s why it was a secret.

Well, in my screen shot folder, there were about 20 pictures, these 5 being the only good ones. I hope that was enough to hold you over. Thanks for reading.

Ahhh don’t you just LOVE plumbing problems? At least now that we had three teenagers and an adult living under our roofs (though Rebecca usually wasn’t home) we had more people to help around the house XD

Plumbing problems wouldn’t even hold for my oldest daughter’s graduation!

Told you so.

Of course, some of it wasn’t always an act of fate. It was usually Rebecca. Her favorite sister to prank was Rachel. I guess it has to do with the oh-so-common bad girl vs. smart girl rivalry.

“Oh hi there Sea Foam! How you doing? Good? Good! Did you know that it’s your birthday today? You did?”

“Ya! Biwrfday! Biwrfday!”

“My little baby is gonna be a child! Are you ready?”

“Weady!” The last of my Mohicans was growing up! I’ll admit, I’m really gonna miss having a toddler in the house.

Five gorgeous girls in one house! How will I stand it?

But what’s fortune without misfortune in this house? Of course, the oven burst into flames. Again.

And Rebecca and Rachel were getting into their usual quibbles, but this one seemed much more serious.

“I told you. You’re going to do my homework, I’m going over to Green Apple’s house, and when I get home, I’ll have an A+”

“Rebecca! I’m not going to do your homework. Your teacher gave it to you not me! Do your own homework”

“Do my homework or I’ll make sure you’ll never exit the shower with blue hair ever again!”


“Have fun with math, English, science, and history! Bye bye!”

And that was when Grape and I decided we couldn’t take it any longer.

“Girls! Stop fighting! Now listen, Daddy, Strawberries and Cream, and I are going on vacation for two days, and when we get back, we want you guys to be friends and we want NOTHING bad to have happened to this house! Understand?”

“Yes Mommy.” They all said in unison.

“Good and goodbye!” And with that, we left.

But, we should’ve known that Rebecca couldn’t be trusted. No more than twelve hours after we left, Rebecca was throwing herself a little teeny-bopper party.

And just about everyone from their school was invited. Rosalie just happened to be a little more than interested in one of the attendees, Peppers Spice.

And because Rosalie is our little go-getter, she did something about it. Awww!!!

Honey, I thought you were upset about this…

Oh! Right! Grrr!

Thank god the police showed up!

“Hey, rockin party! Mind if I come in?”

“Sure, no problem!”


“Ohh Puff…”

“Did you think you wouldn’t get caught? Young lady, you are throwing a party while your parents aren’t home. Now I have no choice but to call them right up.”

“No please! They’ll kill me!”

“You deserve to get in trouble missy. You have done so much damage to this poor town! Don’t pretend you don’t know me, Rebecca Ruby Puff!”

“Rebecca Ruby! Were you trying to get in trouble, because that’s what it seems like! I don’t even know what to say! The adults in this house left, hoping you would become more responsible, but it looks like that was to no avail! We had to come home early because of YOU! I don’t even know what else to say. Go to bed. I don’t want to see you out of your room until Monday.”

“But Moooommm!!”

“No buts!”

“*Giggle* you said butts.”


“But what if I have to pee or eat?”

“Then do it when I’m not home! Bed! You are a disgrace!”

Thank Puff that the teenagers’ birthday was that Monday. Let’s hope with age comes maturity.



And Rosalie. They’re all so amazing. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for them.

Thanks to our house and money problem, I was forced to extend my hours and days. Because of this, I had almost no time to spend with my family. In fact, most days, neither Grape nor I was home, which left Strawberries and Cream to take care of the little once once they got home from school.

We also had to buy cheap appliances, so we had to fix them very often. Because of Grape’s and my work situations, Strawberries and Cream developed quite a knack for uncloging toilets and fixing wild sinks and showers.

Every day, the first thing I did when I got home from work was cook dinner for the family. Everything was going just fine as I cooked the Goopy Carbonara when

It  burst into flames! I couldn’t believe it! I guess the world just decided I needed more problems and expenses, because our new oven cost us $412. Insurance paid $120, but it just wasn’t enough. Great. Back to square one!

The day after the fire had been a long and stressful day for me. Many of the clients I had made over didn’t like the result, so they barely paid me anything. Sure the price was $60 but they always refused to pay it! Unfortunately, I was never told that my clients didn’t intend to pay the full price until the makeover was complete. When I got home, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I was under so much stress that I threw up!

I was under so much stress that I didn’t remember my poor girls’ birthday! So here’s Rosalie’s last picture as a child.

And her first picture as a teenager!

Rachel as a child

And Rebecca (I’m not sure what happened to their first teenage pictures)

I woke up in the middle of the night last night to find that I was pregnant! So I wasn’t throwing up because of stress! Well that’s good to know! Grape and I were having our first child together! Hooray!

Rebecca, on the other hand, had her own plans. She decided that it would be funny to sneak out after curfew and egg somebody’s house. Lucky for us, it was still around 11:00 so the police were still making their nighty rounds and Rebecca was one of the unfortunate teenagers who was caught.

When Grape and I heard the knock on the door, we knew it couldn’t be good.

“Rebecca Ruby Puff! What the puff were you thinking? Sneaking out after curfew while the rest of your family was asleep! Throwing eggs at our neighbor’s house! You’re grounded!”

“Dad! Why ground me for a harmless prank?”

“Harmless? Harmless?!? You egged our neighbor’s house and sneaked out after curfew! Tomorrow morning, you are going to go over their house, apologize, and clean EVERYTHING! Now go to bed!”

“But Daddy-“


“How’s my little baby? Good? Great! Oh! I’m sorry I misheard you. I can’t wait to meet you little one! I love you!” Grape just loved talking to our little baby. Everyday when he got home from work, he would great our little boy or girl with a smile. It was adorable!

Oh boy! Looks like Grape is going to be talking to the real thing tonight!

And after ten grueling hours in the hospital, Grape and I returned home with Sea Foam Puff.

Rebecca had some other plans that night. The whole family was very happy that she had a boyfriend, but we were very UNhappy that it was Green Apple Tart. He made her very happy, but he was such a bad influence on her. He skipped class, pulled more pranks than I could ever imagine, and encouraged Rebecca to do the same.

“Ahh!” I screamed as the toilet exploded all over my face. “Rebecca Ruby Puff did you booby trap the toilet?”



“It’s fun!” *Sigh* she was already grounded, she had no TV, no computer, there was nothing I could do to punish her because the was nothing left to take away.

Oh but Rebecca wasn’t done yet. The next morning, she put yellow dye in the shower, causing Strawberries and Cream’s hair to turn bright yellow! Let me tell you, she was not happy.

Not to mention, it was her birthday! As usual, we didn’t throw a party, so it was just the family and one or two of Strawberries and Cream’s friends.

My no-longer-little beauty! It won’t be long before all of my children are all grown up!

A Picture for a Friend?

Hey, sorry about this random post. My friend needed a favor 🙂

“Mommy, you look so pretty!”

“Can I feel your hair? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?”

“Your dress is sooo long! I want a dress that long!” Three little children were fluttering around me all morning. Don’t get me wrong, they’re adorable, but every time Rebecca tried to touch my hair, I freaked out. When Rebecca gets her hands on something that’s not hers, she either ruins it or wants it. I wasn’t willing to take a chance with either of those outcomes today.

“Mom, you look great…” Strawberries and Cream poked her head through the doorway.

“Thank you, Strawbie”

“Anytime” and with that, she slowly walked over to her room. I couldn’t help but feel bad. Strawberries and Cream is the only one old enough to remember her father. She was very happy for me, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t miss her daddy. I just hoped she’d be able to adjust to Grape and accept him.

“I do”

“I do”

The audience burst into applause as Grape and I shared our first kiss as bride and groom in the middle of the park.

And everyone went home that night and had a good night’s sleep. Until I got a call that morning…

“What’s going on?”

“How could this be possible?”

“Is this some kind of sick joke?”

“Mom? Wha-wha-what happened?”

“It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay…WAHHHH!!!!”

Evicted? Evicted!?!? How could we have been evicted?

“Kids, kids, Grape, relax. I guess we figured this would’ve happened eventually with Apple gone. He was the one who owned the house originally, and with just the income from my paintings, it wasn’t going to be long before I couldn’t afford the house anymore.”

“But, Mommy! Where are we going to live?”

“Right here!” I said with the biggest grin possible.

The entire family stared at our new, very small, very empty house.

“Your mother is right,” Grape began. “This isn’t so bad. At least we were able to afford a new house rather than living on the streets! Come on! Think positive! Please?” Grape was having trouble getting on the kids’ good sides. I’ll even admit it myself. The house was terrible for three small kids. We had absolutely NO form of entertainment for them. Just the bare necessities.

“Well, I’m sure before long, we’ll be able to afford some toys,” it was true. We were literally dirt poor. We had 137 simoleons! “Everyone of age will just have to get a job!” Grape had just moved here, so he hadn’t had the chance to get a job yet. “Grape, you’ll get a job. I’ll get a job, and Strawebrries and Cream can get a part time job.” Just think positive, Shoreline. Think positive, and you’ll make it through this.